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37th Anniversary Run for the Roses
Benefiting Arthritis Research Grants

in United States at Ames City Hall Gym

Online registration is currently closed.

  • 5K Run

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • 5K Walk

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • 10K Run

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Kids Fun Run
    Add a youth t-shirt for $6 or breakfest for $5 on step 2 during registration.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Make a Donation (unable to attend)
    This category does not include a race registration.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

Our Story

Since the inaugural year in 1987, Alpha Omicron Pi and Ames Area Running Club have contributed over $356,000 to Arthritis Research Grants. These grants fund research that we hope will one day lead to a cure for arthritis. They provide grants to major universities and research institutes all over America through their partnership with the AOII Foundation and Arthritis Foundation.

Through the past 36 years of working with the Ames Area Running Club, our passion for raising awareness for Arthritis has grown thanks to our sponsors and race participants.

We thank you for your participation in helping us make a difference!

Entry Fees

By Oct. 15th
$6 (Kid’s Run)
$25 (Students)
$25 (AARC Mem.)
$20 (ROTC/Military)
$30 (all others)

Oct. 16th-Oct. 21st
$35 (all entries)

$40 (all entries)
$6 (Kid’s Run)
$5 Breakfast only

Race Day Schedule

7:00-8:30AM: Race Day Registration/Packet Pick-up
9:00AM: 5K Race/Walk, 10K Race
9:30AM: Breakfast Begins & Kid's Fun Run

Awards & Prizes

  • Custom designed medals are awarded to the top 3 male and female finishers in five year age divisions from age 13 and under through age 90+ in the 5K and 10K runs
  • A custom designed medal and one dozen red roses are awarded to the overall male and female finishers in the 5K and 10K runs

  • Long sleeve t-shirt
  • Red rose
  • Omelet breakfast
  • Door prizes
  • [*]Silent auction

Age Divisions

13 and Under (5K Only)
14-19 (5K Only)
19 and Under (10K Only)
20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90+

Run For The Roses 5K and 10K Course

Maps/Course Description:



2023 results will be posted when ready.



Meet Your AOPI Director

Kylie Ridgway

Soles 4 Souls

Don’t forget to bring your old running shoes to donate to Soles 4 Souls.
For more information visit: soles4souls.org


For event-related questions, please click on the Contact the Organizers button on the left-hand side of this page.

  • American Express Discover Card Mastercard Visa
  • When this page loaded, the official time was 9:51:43 AM EST.

Registration Form Closed

Event Organizers

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