2024 Moonlight Loop

in United States at 536 Fifth Street, on the Bartholomew Country Public Library Plaza

Online registration for this event has closed.

  • Moonlight Loop - Saturday, June 22, 2024
    Starts at 9:00 PM EDT
    Shirt not guaranteed for people who register after Friday, 6/05

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • Sponsor/Donate
    Become a Moonlight Loop Sponsor or make a monetary donation in support of Columbus Animal Care Services.

    Online registration is closed for this category.

  • withdrawn

    Online registration is closed for this category.

About the 2024 Moonlight Loop

What is the Moonlight Loop?
The Moonlight Loop is a leisurely 19-mile evening bike ride around scenic Columbus, Indiana – passing several architectural gems along the way.

When is it?
Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 9:00 PM EDT

Where is it?
The ride begins and ends in front of the Bartholomew County Public Library/Columbus Area Visitors Center Plaza at 536 Fifth Street, Columbus, Indiana.

Who benefits from the ride?
The Moonlight Loop is a fundraiser for Columbus Animal Care Services (CACS). Located at 2730 Arnold Street in Columbus, CACS provides animal shelter and field services for the Columbus community. The event is co-sponsored by CACS and its non-profit fundraising partner, the Friends of CACS.

Funds generated from the Moonlight Loop go directly to CACS’s Spay/Neuter Fund. This Fund is NOT supported by city tax dollars and relies entirely on fees, fines, fundraising (like the Moonlight Loop!) and tax-deductible monetary or in-kind donations. This fund provides pet owners in our community with a low-cost way to Spay/Neuter their pets and therefore reduce the population of unintentional/unwanted births.

WHY should you ride?
Because it is for a great cause – the animals need our help, and doing a bike ride at night is a lot of fun!


The 19-mile ride begins and ends in front of the Bartholomew County Public Library/Visitors Center Plaza. The route starts by heading east & then north to the SAG stop at the Columbus Learning Center (approximately the half-way point of the ride). There will be a required stop at the SAG to allow the pack to reunite before continuing – so take advantage of the refreshments and restrooms while the cyclists regroup. From there the ride continues west & then south, winding down a luminary-lit road and making a loop through the covered bridge in Mill Race Park on the way back to the library. This is NOT a closed route! Stay to the right half of the street & ride responsibly.

PLEASE NOTE: Although this is a leisurely ride, riders unable to maintain around a 10mph pace may be ‘picked up’ by our SAG vehicles and moved forward on the route or taken to the finish if they fall too far behind the other riders.



Safety for all participants is our prime objective! And we need your help…

We need you to:
* Wear a Helmet
* Have both a Headlight & a Taillight on your bike
* Ensure young riders (less than 16 yrs. old) ride on a tandem or bicycle attachment with someone 16 yrs. old or older
* Secure any pet companions safely in a bicycle wagon or trailer
* Ride responsibly, follow traffic laws (yield right of way) & stay aware of your surroundings
* Wear light colors or reflective clothing…we encourage you to decorate yourself and your bike with lights & enter our “light up the night” contest

The Moonlight Loop provides the following:
* Riders will be led by a Columbus Police Department (CPD) squad car
* A vehicle using flashers will follow the final cyclists at the rear
* The CPD or Sheriff Reserve Department will assist with traffic at all major intersections
* Volunteers will be at smaller intersections along the way
* Roving radio-equipped SAG vehicles will be available to pick up cyclists experiencing issues or falling behind
* EMTs are on alert & placed within minutes of the route
* First Aid is available at the SAG stop

Light Up Your Bike, Light Up The Night Contest

To assist us with being “seen”, and to simply have fun, prizes will be offered for the most well-lit bicycle (and rider). Feel free to go crazy with your lights on your bikes… just remember not to blind yourself with your glow! Contest will be held at 8:30pm, prior to ride start.


For event-related questions, please click on the Contact the Organizers button on the left-hand side of this page.

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  • When this page loaded, the official time was 9:38:37 AM EDT.

Registration Form Closed

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